Tuesday 5 November 2013

Digital Graphics for Print | Production Log [Update 1]

Unit Start - 13/09/13

The brief I was give for this unit is as follows:

The aim of this unit is to give learners the knowledge and skills needed to produce, process, control and manipulate digital graphics used for a range of print, interactive and moving image media. On completion of this unit you should:

  1. Understand graphic file formats and applications.
  2. Be able to use appropriate image design and manipulation software.
  3. Be able to produce digital graphics in response to a brief.
  4. Be able to reflect on own digital graphics work.

Task 1 | Digital Graphics Guide

The first assignment tasked me with producing an informative Digital Graphics Guide that explains about different types of images and digital graphic files and applications. I had to comprehensively explain graphic file formats and their applications, with reference to elucidated examples and consistently using subject terminology correctly.

The Digital Graphics guide can be viewed here (incomplete).

Task 2 | Producing Digital Graphics

The first thing I had to do for task 2 was create 5 mood boards. I had to create one for each of the following:

  1. Advertising Campaigns (Bus)
  2. Advertising Campaigns (Magazines)
  3. Logos
  4. Fonts
  5. Textures

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