Friday 21 February 2014

Digital Graphics for Print | Production Log [Update 4]

I then started to create the final design for my bus advertisement. The first thing I needed to do was create the characters that were going to be used on the side of the bus. To do this, I used Adobe Photoshop and the pen tool to draw around images of the characters. This means I am creating my own original images and not using anything copy written.

I decided I would use bright and vibrant colours for each section of the characters, without using any complicated gradients or patterns. this allows the characters to stand out from the rest of the bus. I did this by using the paint bucket tool and selecting a colour from the original images with the paint dropper it gives you.

I also used this time to create the chair that will be repeated over and over on the side of the bus. I just took an image of a bus chair from the internet and traced over it just like with the characters.

After I created all the parts of the characters, I had to make sure that they were all layered correctly so there was no weird overlapping. By moving the layers up and down in the layer panel, it changed which objects appeared on top.

Once they were all completed, I grouped all the objects together in their own folders so they all move together. This way, the characters are all organised and I won't accidentally move individual parts.

I then opened up the bus template in a separate document and added a filter. I added the 'Patchwork' filter to make the bus look like it is pixelated. This fits with old-fashioned video games, as they were mainly 8 and 16 bit and full of pixels.

After that, I pasted the chairs in. I had to move certain ones higher up for certain characters, such as Sonic, as he has quite a short torso. The 1st and 4th chairs were over the wheels, so I had to use the polygon lasso tool combined with the eraser tool to cut them to the correct shape.

I then proceeded to copy the characters in one by one and placed them on the chairs. This was fairly simple to do, although I needed to use the brush tool to extend the colours on some of the characters, as the characters torsos were too short to reach the windows.

This is what the final design looked like:

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